
Learn Nihongo at Japanese Melbourne Language School

Test drive an online private lesson for $30.

Try our online lesson today for 50 minutes and if you decide to join a full term later, we will deduct it from the full fee.

Click here for more information.


Japanese Melbourne Language School offers face-to-face and online Japanese lessons across all levels – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Conversational, JLPT or VCE preparation, and even the chance to study and work in Japan.

The average size of our group lessons is five students
We provide Japanese lessons 6 days a week.
Beginner group lessons start the first week of every month.
Click here for our lesson timetable.

If you have experience in learning Japanese, you can book a free online level assessment and start immediately. 

Our Japanese language lessons go for 50 minutes, 80 minutes, or 100 minutes, once or twice a week, both group and private.

Our past students include ATO managers, television newscasters, local artists, town council members, Apple Geniuses, families planning their first trip to Japan, software engineers, photographers, primary school teachers, art directors, Santa Claus, architects, manga addicts, students from Saudi Arabia, and more.

For more information, please contact us at 04 30 103 660, email us at
admin@japanesemelbourne.com.au or click here to schedule an online video meeting.